Our Program
Our kindergarten programs focus on helping children to feel that they belong and have much to contribute to all of us as a group. We do this by building positive relationships with children and their families; connecting children to the adults and other children in our kindy through play. We also have a wonderful natural environment where we encourage children to investigate, explore and develop skills as they connect with nature. The teachers and educators work closely with individual children and small groups to support and extend their learning, providing opportunities for creative expression through a variety of art media and natural materials. They also provide caring support for children so that they can develop harmonious relationships with their peers, and so that each child follows their own pathway to success. Through play the children have creative opportunities to develop skills in language and literacy, mathematics, physical competence, art and science.
We encourage parent participation to foster relationships and extend our knowledge of individual children’s learning and development. We love having parent input into our program each day. The children’s learning is shared with families through floor books, wall documentation, and displays of children’s art work and constructions. Each child’s individual learning and development is shared through the digital portal Storypark.
Group work is encouraged in both small and large groups to enable children to make social connections and extend their thinking in investigations, language, literacy and numeracy. Music, song, dance, instruments, poetry, stories, drama, listening and discussion take place in large group times, Quiet and reflective practices also take place to help children plan, extend their ideas, and share their discoveries.
Our program references the national curriculum- The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), The Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines (QKLG) and ‘Listening and Learning together: C&K Curriculum Approach’.