How to complete this form:

  1. Please indicate whether this form is a new application or an amendment to an existing application by ticking the applicable box below.
  2. A range of information is gathered for legislative and statistical purposes - please ensure you complete all sections of this form to help us process your application as soon as possible.
  3. Alternatively you can download the form here and email completed form to


  • Lodgement of this form does not guarantee your child a place at Camira C&K Kindergarten.
  • This form is a Waiting List application form ONLY.
  • Camira Kindergarten does not have a sibling policy; you must complete a separate form for each child.

Application type

Your child's details

Main language spoken at home

Parents/Guardians details

Parent / Guardian 1 Details
Parent / Guardian 2 Details


The information you provide in this section will help us plan a positive and supportive transition for you child if an enrolment offer is made.

How did you find out about Camira C&K Kindergarten?

Year of commencement



The Kindergarten will send a confirmation email to let you know that the form has been received. We may also contact you to discuss your application and clarify some details. We will contact you should a place become available. Please advise Camira Kindergarten should any of your contact details change. Enrolment offers for the following year are conducted in July/August of the previous year. Positions are offered according to the date that the waiting list form was received and confirmed by the Kindergarten Directors.